
Population explosion






Population explosion is a rapid increase of the population of a certain area.

It often occurs in developing countries.

Present situation

The increase of the population after the WWⅡ is remarkable.

  • in 1900 : about 1.65 billion → in 1950 : about 2.5 billion → in 2000 : about 6.1 billion → now : more than 70 billion



In developing countries, children are thought to be precious workforce and infant mortality rate is very high, so people try to have a lot of children. However, technological progresses like industrial revolution enable people to produce a lot of food, public hygiene improves and the mortality rate gets much lower than before. This gap allows the population to increase rapidly.


The population of Africa has increased

The present population is more than 1.1 billion.

Moreover, the birth rate of western and central Africa is 4.9 in 2021. This number is twice as large as that of world average. (The birth rate of Japan is 1.34 in 2019.)


Poverty prevent people to import animal feed or fuels → excessive herding and deforestation  → desertification → more severe poverty

The rapid increase of the population is too fast for the development of the economy to keep up with, so people suffer from food shortage and bad living conditions.

Contrast (population)

Developing countries : 5.7 billion (in 2010) → increased by 1.3 billion (7.0 billion)(in 2030)

Developed countries : 1.2 billion (in 2010) → increased by 0.044 billion (in 2030)

Ethiopia : 64 million (in 1999) → 174 million (in 2050)

India : 0.87 billion (in 1990) → 1.64 billion (in 2065)

Japan : 123 million (in 1990) → 88 million (in 2065)

America : 250 million (in 1990) → 397 million (in 2065)



United Nations Population Fund (UNFRA)

It was founded in 1969.

It is the biggest foundation in the UN that helps developing countries with their population problems.

Developed countries voluntarily give away their money to UNFPA.

It helps each country improve Reproductive health/rights (health and rights regarding sex and reproduction) and individual family planning.

It takes actions preventing HIV and AIDS.

In 1974, it held World Population Congress, and in 1994 held International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD).

In order to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, it held three missions to change the world surrounding every man and woman in 2018.

ZERO Mission for everyone to enjoy health and rights concerning sex and reproduction

1. Zero unmet need for contraception

2. Zero preventable maternal deaths

3. Zero gender-based violence and harmful practices, such as child marriage and female genital mutilation

1974     World Population Congress

1994     International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD)

         →They put their emphasis on taking population problem as the issues of women’s rights. They promoted Empowerment (improvement of women’s status) and Reproductive health/rights (health and rights regarding sex and reproduction)

Reproductive health/rights is a stance which respects everything about sex and reproduction as women’s right of self-determination. (Pregnancy and childbirth are the threat to their health as well as great pleasure. Unwanted pregnancy and forced abortion are not rare.)

